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Zoho ManageEngine OpManager Professional v.9.2.9200 x86 x64 (2012, Multi) + Crack |
[left]ManageEngine OpManager – это доступное, удобное при установке и в использовании, сетевое, системное, контролирующее приложения программное обеспечение. Это реальная альтернатива дорогим, большим и сложным системам сетевого управления, которые предлагает нам рынок.[/left]
[left]Год: 2012 Размер: 703 Мб Разработчик: ZOHO Corp. Язык интерфейса: Английский, Испанский, Китайскийl, Японский, Немецкий. Таблетка: Присутствует Платформа: Windows: 2003 Server, Vista, 2000 professional SP4, XP Professional, W7 x86-x64 Версия: v9.2.9200 Совместимость с W7: да Системные требования: Interfaces|Processor|RAM|Hard Disk| Up to 50 devices or 300 interfaces|1.7 GHz| 1GB| 40 GB| Up to 300 devices or 2000 interfaces| 3.4 GHz| 2GB| Up to 1000 devices or 5000 interfaces|2 * 3.4 GHz| 4GB| 80 GB| More than 1000 devices or 5000 interfaces|4 * 3.4 GHz|8GB|
Возможности: - Специализированный функциональный контроль сервера, маршрутизатора, переключателя и принтера - Превосходная программа для управления и устранения ошибок - Встроенные графики и отчеты для центрального процессора, памяти, диска, и статистики интерфейса
Особенности: - Всесторонний контроль маршрутизатора и переключателя - Контроль сервера и услуг - Контроль принтера - Интеллектуальная служба контроля событий Event Alarm - Извещения через электронную почту и смс - Оператор отмечает предупреждения об опасности, предотвращение опасности, повышение опасности, и многое другое - Контроль центрального процессора, памяти и диска, а также пропускной способности и интерфейса - Встроенные графики и отчеты (можно экспортировать в формат HTML, PDF, JPG) - Web Client и Remote Client – усовершенствованная функциональность - Работает с Windows, Linux и Solaris
ManageEngine OpManager – это укомплектованное программное обеспечение для сетевого контроля. Оно предоставляет комбинацию из контроля WAN, сервера и приложений со встроенной панелью помощи, управления ресурсами и анализом сетевого трафика. Программа автоматизирует выполнение некоторых задач по сетевому контролю, так что представление о нем как о сложном процессе оказывается неверным.
Профессиональная версия. ManageEngine OpManager Professional Edition предназначена для контроля неограниченного количества приборов. Подходит для малого и среднего бизнеса.
NEW! добавлен: UP до 9200; версия для Linux; АДоны; пакет с включенными АДонами для WIN; пакет с включенными АДонами для Linux.
Доп. информация [EN]:
ManageEngine OpManager 9 Release Highlights
New Features IT Automation Workflows to automate 1st and 2nd level administrative tasks. Few pre-built workflows available out-of-the-box, and intuitive drag and drop GUI to create more custom workflows. A hot-standby for Probe to ensure high availability. Seamless failover and failback between the primary and secondary probes and 100% data integrity. REST API support in OpManager to help integrate with third-party help desk, NMS etc; operations supported include adding a device, adding a notification profile etc. Define custom scripts and leverage OpManager’s fault management to the fullest. Supported scripts include Powershell, Linux shell script, VBScript, Phython & Perl. Virtualization management support now extended to Hyper-V devices in addition to VMwares; monitor over 70 deep metrics! The GUI has got a new face-lift with new tabs organization for easier and intuitive navigation. Quick links are included to access help on how to configure tasks in OpManager and perform first level troubleshooting. These can be enabled/disabled from Admin > System settings. Support for NFA and NCM plug-ins in Probe (Enterprise edition). NFA plug-in now supports 64 bit Windows and Linux installation. More details on what all is new this release. Changes & Enhancements Dashboards are introduced for Business View users. Configurable color coding is included for Utilization widgets (Red for over 90%, Yellow for over 80%) [ Editable range value (Top 10,12,15) for widgets. (Previously it was a drop down box Top 10, 25, 50)] An option to specify the consecutive number of times a device is polled/threshold is violated, is included in the device templates specific to Virtual devices. You can now edit the threshold type/value of resources defined in the Virtual Machine device templates. It is now possible to edit and save the IP address from the ESX Host snapshot page. If you want to configure bulk URL monitors, you can specify the links in a CSV file and bulk-import them into OpManager at one go! The folder monitoring feature enhancement includes wildcard (file filtering) option. Sixteen new templates are included for A10 networks & blackberry devices! An option is included to apply a change made in the interface template to all interfaces. An option to rediscover the interfaces that are deleted from the device, is included. A list-view is now available for Exchange servers with an option to add a server into exchange category directly. The AMS validity is shown in the GUI with a link leading to renewal procedure. New dashboards are included to show top 10 server and top 10 networks. An automatic notification is triggered when the Probe is down (Enterprise edition). A ‘View Associations’ option is included in Admin > Notification Profiles screen to quickly see a summary of the different profiles associated to the monitored devices. A new device down time report is provided. The report also shows the outage history. Localization support is extended to have the Probe name in Japanese or Chinese (in the respective local installations). You can now add Probes in the Google Map. An option is provided to enable/disable the discovery of a VM in a host. For VMs that are also DomainControllers, the snapshot page is enhanced to show the interface details in two different tabs, one for the Virtual NICs and the Interfaces. The performance monitor widgets now show the instance name in addition to the device name. A new device template is included for Windows 2008 R2. When configuring alarm escalation or when scheduling a report, you can now select the site too (specific to Enterprise edition). Bug Fixes Entity name dependency is removed for ESX hosts. Data collection happens even if the VMs are renamed. VM Tools Version is updated in the ‘VMProperties’ table at the time of rediscovery. VMware hosts are now properly discovered and shown even if there are no VMs. The F5 loadbalancers are now discovered with the correct sysOID. Accurate reports are generated now for disk forecast.[3. Fixed Disk Forecast Report Issues.] A device is now properly added and discovered even if an interface with the same IP is already added. The managed/unmanaged state of devices is now correctly shown in the business views. The parentnet is correctly updated even for unnumbered interfaces. The interface IP address is properly updated during rediscovery. Status polling for the interfaces is now done using the IP address. The primary interface IP is properly updated when the device IP address changes Any changes to the interfaces are now correctly detected and updated during a device or network rediscovery. When a network is deleted, all the children elements too are fully deleted. Interface reports now show the full data without it getting truncated. Interface polling and data collection now happens properly when interfaces are rediscovered when the agent/device is restarted. Data collection happens normally even for monitors with the character ‘\’ in the monitor name. Duplication of sub-interfaces during discovery, is fixed. It is now possible to correctly discover an interface even if the IP address is already present for another interface. SNMP V3 credential can now be associated to devices using the Quick Configuration Wizard (in the Probe). Alarm details can be viewed fully in the RSS feed even if an alarm entity has the special character ‘#’. Device displayed name is now updated with the IP address instead of an empty string if the query to sysName returns white space. A category change to and from virtual device to domain controllers will now work without a glitch. Process monitoring is now possible using cscript. The custom WMI monitors added in the device templates are now properly associated to the devices during discovery. Windows 2008 devices are discovered correctly classified as ‘2008’; it was classified as Windows 7 earlier! Restrictions are included to prevent VMware templates getting wrongly applied to physical devices. Similarly, incorrect importing into this category is also restricted to avoid unnecessary errors. The VMware monitoring license related issues because of a change in node (module) name, is now fixed. Few issues in the OpManager- ServiceDesk Plus integration, have been fixed.
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Quote [left] Code Скачать с Letitbit.net: [url=http://letitbit.net/download/73885.70383823e9340dbf9f4e9ab0479e/Zoho.ManageEngine.OpManager.Professional.v9.2.9200.x86.x64.2012.EN.rar.html]http://letitbit.net/download/73885.70383823e9340dbf9f4e9ab0479e/Zoho.ManageEngine.OpManager.Professional.v9.2.9200.x86.x64.2012.EN.rar.html[/url]
Одним файлом Shareflare.net: [url=http://shareflare.net/download/71560.70383823e9340dbf9f4e9ab0479e/Zoho.ManageEngine.OpManager.Professional.v9.2.9200.x86.x64.2012.EN.rar.html]http://shareflare.net/download/71560.70383823e9340dbf9f4e9ab0479e/Zoho.ManageEngine.OpManager.Professional.v9.2.9200.x86.x64.2012.EN.rar.html[/url]
Одним файлом Vip-File.com: [url=http://vip-file.com/downloadlib/565968755507994978404-73885.70383823e9340dbf9f4e9ab0479e/Zoho.ManageEngine.OpManager.Professional.v9.2.9200.x86.x64.2012.EN.rar.html]http://vip-file.com/downloadlib/565968755507994978404-73885.70383823e9340dbf9f4e9ab0479e/Zoho.ManageEngine.OpManager.Professional.v9.2.9200.x86.x64.2012.EN.rar.html[/url] [/left]
Категория: ProgramZ |
Просмотров: 231 |
Добавил: malirini |
Дата: 2012-07-29, 1:56 PM
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