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CGTech Vericut v7.1.6 7.1.6 x86+x64 (2012, ENG)

VERICUT выполняет имитацию, верификацию и оптимизацию обработки на станках с ЧПУ с целью обнаружения ошибок в траектории режущего инструмента и неэффективных проходов.

Год/Дата Выпуска: 2012
Версия: 7.1.6
Разработчик: CGTech
Разрядность: 32bit+64bit
Совместимость с Vista: полная
Совместимость с Windows 7: полная
Системные требования:
Memory: 1Gb или больше
CPU speed: 2.4GHz или выше
Disk Space 3Gb или больше
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Размер: 536.27 Мб

На этапе проектирования управляющей программы программист ЧПУ с помощью Vericut может устранить ошибки, которые впоследствии могут привести к поломке оснастки, инструмента или органов станка, до запуска детали в производство!

Вы можете построить модель любого станка и моделировать обработку на своем компьютере!
· 2-3-х координатные · Много-координатные · Фрезерные.
· Сверлильные · Токарные ·Токарно-фрезерные.
· Э/эрозионные.

Что нового:
Release Notes
April 13, 2012
VERICUT Version 7.1.6 is available for all supported Windows platforms.
V 7.1.6 contains everything described above for V7.1.5, plus the following additional
CAD Model Interface
The CAD Model Interface now supports importing STEP files that have 2 byte character
With the implementation of Spatial R22, a specific STEP file can now be successfully
loaded into VERICUT.
The CAD Model Interface now supports importing STEP files that have "French
characters" in the directory path.
CAM Interfaces
The CATIA V5_to_VERICUT Interface (CATV5) is enhanced so that all instances of all
CATParts within selected CATProducts are transferred and are marked as visible or
hidden, so that the picture that first appears in VERICUT matches that displayed in
CATIA. Model names are now transferred to VERICUT, in addition to their file names.
The CATIA V5_to_VERICUT Interface (CATV5) no longer deletes the Fixture models
in the Setup Template when no fixture models have been specified. The following rules
will be followed:
If a Setup Template component has models, and the corresponding CATV interface
component has no models, then in the new VERICUT project the component will
retain its Setup Template models.
If a Setup Template component has models, and the corresponding CATV interface
component also has models (block/cone/cylinder are considered models), then for this
component the Setup Template models are deleted and the CATV interface models
used in the new VERICUT project.
The CATIA V5_to_VERICUT Interface (CATV5) now automatically sets Design, Stock
and/or Fixtures when running the CATV on a new CatProcess that references a CGR.
Success depends on the CATPart or CATProduct used to create the CGR being present in
the same folder.
The CATIA V5_to_VERICUT Interface (CATV5) no longer changes the operation
names in the CATProcess. The supplemented names will appear in the VcTmp files, and
thus in VERICUT. The supplemented names will also appear in CATV5's dialog and it is
left to the user to match these up with the duplicate operation names in the CATIA tree.
They will appear in the same order in the CATV5 dialog as they appear in the CATIA
The CATIA V5_to_VERICUT Interface (CATV5) now recognizes a more generic
environment variable, CGTECH_LATHE_HOLDERS_AS_CATPARTS, to provide the
same functionality as the customer specific environment variable
"CGTECH_LATHE_HOLDERS_AS_CATPARTS=Yes" triggers two different
behaviors, both pertaining to turning tools only.
1) CATV5 expects a folder of sub-folders containing CATParts of turning tool
holders. This parent folder is defined by another environment variable
will be at "…\holder_name\holder_name.CATPart".
2) The gage point for each turning tool holder will be defined by a CATIA axis
system called "Tool Holder Axis System".
The GibbsCAM-to-VERICUT Interface (GibbsV) now correctly transfers GibbsCAM
mill/turn data to VERICUT.
The GibbsCAM-to-VERICUT Interface (GibbsV) now correctly assigns the correct stock
component to the correct Attach components for projects using multiple Attach
The Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface (MCAMV) is enhanced to support Mastercam
X6 on both 32 and 64 bit computers.
The Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface (MCAMV) now correctly exports Mastercam X5
models to a Horizontal Mill/Turn in VERICUT.
A new tag, ProevMaterialRemovalMode is added to the Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface
(PROEV) preferences file.
If ProevMaterialRemovalMode is "0" (Default), then PROEV will move the "Insert
Here" right before the first Material Removal Feature.
If ProevMaterialRemovalMode is "1", then PROEV will move the "Insert Here" right
after the operation currently being processed.
If the ProevMaterialRemovalMode tag does not exist in the preference file, then the
default value is used.
A new "Stock CSYS" choice list is added to the Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV)
to enable specifying a Stock Transition CSYS when appending a VCProject file.
If "Stock CSYS" is set to "None," then the current transition method is used.
If "Stock CSYS" is set to a valid CSYS, then a new transition method uses the
difference between the "Attach CSYS" and the "Stock CSYS."
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) now creates the stock correctly for situations
where there are more than 1 operation and ProevMaterialRemovalMode is set to "1".
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) is enhanced to enable using Pro/E
parameters to specify the Gage Point in Tool Manager. The tool's gage point and
orientation will be calculated as follows:
If a "TIP" csys and a "SPINDLE_CONTROL_POINT" csys are defined, then their
values will be used to compute the gage point and orientation.
If a "TIP" csys and a "TOOL_ATTACH_POINT" csys are defined, then their values
will be used to compute the gage point and orientation.
are defined, then the respective value will be used as X/Y/Z coordinate for the gage
If "LENGTH" is defined, then its value will be used as the Z gage point.
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) is enhanced so that directory path
persistence is supported in all file selection windows, meaning that when you re-open a
file selection window, it will return to the directory that was last visited. The last
directory visited for each file selection window is stored in the preference file when
exiting PROEV. The following new preference tags are now written to the preference
ProevOutDirPath - Output Directory tag
ProevProjectPath – Project Template tag
ProevSetupPath – Setup Template tag
ProevTLibOverridePath – Tool Library Override tag
ProevTpPath – Tool Path tag
ProevSubPath – Subroutine tag
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) no longer creates the Stock, Fixture and
Design models for all Attach components when using a VERICUT Template that
contains two, or more, Attach components. Models are now only created for the Attach
components selected.
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) is enhanced to support probing tools. Only
tools with Tool Type set to "LOLLIPOP" and VERICUT_TYPE set to "PROBING" are
processed as probing tools. If these two conditions are met, PROEV will create a probing
tool in Tool Manager using the parameters specified in the Pro/E Tool Setup window.
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) now positions Stock and Design
components under the correct attach component for a specific Pro/E file with multiple
setups and multiple Attach components.
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) now outputs an informational message when
VERICUT fails to launch because the specified template file cannot be found.
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) now outputs all specified tools for a specific
Pro/E file with multiple operations.
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) is enhanced to support SubRegisters for
Work Offsets.
The Pro/E-to-VERICUT Interface (PROEV) now creates Stock of the correct thickness
when using ProevMaterialRemovalMode set to 1.
G-Code Processing
A false collision is no longer reported for a specific project file when polar interpolation
is active. The false collision was reported because the polar move goes through the
centerline, or passes very close to it. New polar interpolation logic is introduced to better
handle these types of situations.
In V7.1.6, you must call the new PolarNewLogicOnOff macro with an Override Value
=1, during Start of Processing, to activate the new polar interpolation logic. In V7.2 the
new polar interpolation logic will become the default.
A specific project file starting with a G505 Work Offset and others dynamically written,
no longer deletes all Work Offsets from the Project Tree when a Reset is done after any
processing has taken place.
Heid TNC530 DEP CT (Departure Cutter Tangent) now works correctly for a specific
project file.
A new macro, SiemensCondColon, is added to support the ":" character in all 3 valid
uses with an 840D control:
as a frame link operator
as an inverse word with labels
as a sequence number (configure the ":" character as Type: conditional with Sub
Type: SiemensCondColon)
Siemens 840D FRAME variable values are now updated correctly upon Reset when a
project file created in an earlier version of VERICUT is opened in V7.1.
Siemens 840D LINK FRAME ":" character now works correctly.
Integers are now correctly rounded up immediately on Siemens 840d.
A new macro, CutterCompTBD, is added to support G46 on Traub TX8 controls. G46
is an auto detection cutter compensation direction. It looks ahead to see the path and then
looks at the tool tip type to determine if it should be cutter compensation left or cutter
compensation right.
Machine Simulation
Machine views are now correctly updated at Tool Changes.
Using the Touch macro no longer causes false collision errors when the components
involved are in the Collision Detect list.
When using an encrypted machine file, many false control processing errors no longer
occur when opening a specific VcProject file.
A problem causing invalid Volume Removal Rate warnings to be output when running an
optimized file, for a specific project file, is fixed.
If the G-Code command (VERICUT-OPTIPATH off) is used and is not followed by a
(VERICUT-OPTIPATH on) somewhere in the G code, OptiPath no longer remains off
after a Reset.
OptiPath circle breakup no longer causes full 360 circles in the optimized file.
For CATIA APT and UG CLS NC program files, if the Circle Feedrate option is “Breakup",
it is now automatically reset internally to "Optimize" and a warning is issued. The
Circle Feedrate "Break-up" option does not support CATIA APT and UG CLS circle
OptiPath no longer outputs two blocks in the optimized file for each block containing a
G40 when OptiPath is turned On/Off using VERICUT-OPTIPATH comment records in a
specific NC program file.
Unexpected VERICUT termination no longer occurs while using OptiPath Learn Mode
in cases where existing OptiPath records are not updated and the Record Cutting
Conditions option in the Properties window is turned on.
OptiPath no longer comments out FEDRAT statements in the optimized NC program file
when optimizing a specific APT NC program when the Graphs window is open and the
Cutting Conditions Graph is active.
OptiPath no longer "restores" the previous RAPID feedrate, for APT NC programs using
a VERICUT-OPTIPATH comment record to turn off OptiPath, when the NC program is
already in a RAPID state.
Tool Manager
A problem preventing VERICUT to open STEP tool files is fixed by Spatial
Technologies in version R22.
Unexpected VERICUT termination no longer occurs while creating a Tool Manager
Report when a tool has more than nine inserts.
Unexpected VERICUT Termination no longer occurs for a specific project file when
"Build tool List" is selected.
Nested MODIN commands in Okuma OSP controls now work correctly.
Material removal is now correct for a specific project file that makes complex 5-axis cuts
using concave and hollow tools, regardless of the Animation Speed Slider setting.
Changing the Animation Speed Slider setting no longer causes false holder collisions for
a specific project file that makes complex 5-axis cuts using concave and hollow tools.
Unexpected VERICUT termination no longer occurs for a specific project file processing
a G3 code using a tool insert defined as a rectangle with a radius exactly half the width.
The time required to process collision checking between large VERICUT Solid fixture
models and the active cutter is greatly reduced.
The Down Arrow key now works correctly for navigation through menus.
The Touch macro no longer outputs a false Holder/Cut stock collision error when using a
holder as the “touch” component.
When the Check Cutting Limits option, on the Tool Manager Configure Setup menu:
Motion tab, is toggled "on", Warnings are now correctly output after doing a Reset.
Internal server folders are now correctly displayed in VERICUT file selection windows
on 64 bit Windows 7 computers.
The delay experienced when opening a file using the new file selection box on Windows
Vista and Windows 7 computers is fixed so the old file selection box should no longer be
A false collision between the stock and the steady rest no longer occurs for a specific
project file with the implementation of new polar interpolation logic described above
under G-Code Processing.
The directory path to a control's initialization file is now saved when you save the
The simulation of a specific project file no longer "hangs" while doing a lot of collision
calculations with the Animation Speed Slider set to 100%.
The Near Miss values in the Project Tree: Check Collisions Between menu are now
correctly set when a new project file is opened.
A new Word Format setting, Conditionals, is added to the NC Program Colors window to
support words defined as Type: Conditional, such as X, Y, and Z words in Siemens 840d
controls, during syntax checking.
The temporary files that VERICUT uses for Undo and Redo are now deleted when
exiting the VERICUT session. Only the temporary files associated with the VERICUT
session being closed are deleted.
Values containing a decimal point can now be used to initialize Number type User
Defined variables, Frames, or Frame Arrays.
The length restriction has been removed for VERICUT file filters so that all of the filters
in the list can be seen.
Material removal is now correct for a specific profile cutter with a non-cutting center
regardless of the position of the Animation Speed Slider.
Saving an In-Process file in the middle of simulating a specific project file, then loading
the In-Process file and continue simulating to the end, now produces the same result as
simulating the original project file to the end.
A false collision is no longer output for a specific water jet tool used in a specific project
Unexpected VERICUT termination no longer occurs after importing a setup from a
specific project file into the same project file, renaming the setup, and then doing a Reset.
VERICUT Log and Report values are now correct for a specific project file using
Calculate Minimum (Min.) Cutter Extension.
VERICUT no longer reports a false collision when using a specific tool in a specific
project file, when the Animation Speed Slider is set at 100%.
X-Caliper Volume measurement is no longer different for block, cylinder and cone
models after the project file is saved.
A specific project file, using an encrypted control file, no longer outputs false variable
related errors when simulating with the NC Program window open.
Simulating a specific project file using a specific profile insert cutter, now displays
material removal correctly in all views.
When using a project file that has had the tool library file moved to a different folder,
reselecting the relocated tool library file now loads correctly in Tool Manager.
When simulating a spiral motion in a specific project file, processing speed is now
constant regardless of the Animation Speed Slider setting.
An APT DISPLY/ statement is now interpreted correctly when the $ continuation
character is inside of the statement's single quotes.
When a project file is successfully created and loaded into VERICUT from a CAM
interface, it will immediately be saved so that it is visible in File Summary.
Unexpected VERICUT termination no longer occurs after using AutoSave to save an In-
Process file at the end of each Setup, then merging the In-Process file into the original
Setup, and re-simulating with the same AutoSave settings.
In a specific project file, the machine and tool changer are now correctly restored upon
All Frames are now correctly reset upon using Reset Model when using a specific
Siemens 840d control.
Mouse Pick Indicator highlight color now works correctly on Windows 7 computers.
X-Caliper now works correctly for measuring Rapid plunge errors in a specific project
file using Distance/Angle from a plane to a point.
A circular motion in a specific project file, with Cutter Compensation active, is now
The Feature/History database no longer gets corrupted when simulating a specific project
file with the Animation Speed Slider is set at 100% or is in the Skip Motion range.
The stock block dimensions shown in a VERICUT Report are now the same as the actual
stock block dimensions used in a specific project file.
Simulating a specific project file that uses a tool with overlapping inserts no longer
causes the VERICUT session to "hang".
Unexpected VERICUT termination no longer occurs when using copy/paste in the GCode
Processing window for a specific control file.
The simulation of a specific project file no longer stops at "Optional Stop" codes that
appear in the NC program before the specified Start At location.
Holder collisions are now detected and reported when using an ultrasonic knife.
The VERICUT session no longer "hangs" when opening a specific project file saved in
Unexpected VERICUT termination no longer occurs when simulating a specific project
file that uses CAD Tool tools with "spun" models that have been incorrectly specified as
an "Insert Cutter".
The TURN word in the library sin840d control is modified to more accurately represent
the real behavior on the machine.
A problem causing Uninstall to start immediately, when started using the Start menu,
instead of displaying the Uninstall panel with Cancel and Uninstall buttons is fixed.
The library Heidenhain 530 iTNC control is enhanced to support PLANE AXIAL.
The library Sin840d.spf now resets to the Absolute/Incremental mode that was in effect
prior to calling the CYCLE86 subroutine.
The library Sin840d.spf now resets to the Feed mode that was in effect prior to calling the
CYCLE84 subroutine.
The T_IsNumber word is now spelled correctly in the library Sin840d.def file.
The library Siemens 840d control has been enhanced as follows:
The RPY2ijk macro is removed from the ORIMKS and ORIWKS words.
The RPY2ijk macro is associated to the ORIEULER and ORIRPY words.
A license server is no longer needed to run VERICUT Reviewer.
Unexpected VERICUT Reviewer termination no longer occurs when the project file that
the reviewer file created from does not have a Logfile.
The following new function is added:
MINDEX(str1, str2)
This is a string processing function used in Siemens Sin840D programs. It returns the
index of the first occurrence of any character of str2 in string str1. The returned index
is counted from 1. A return value of 0 indicates that no character of str2 is present in
str1. For more details see the 840D Programming Manual.


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