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Sugar Bytes - Guitarist v1.0.2 x86+x64 (STANDALONE, VSTi) + Library [ENG] ASSiGN Crack

Guitarist представляет собой пошаговый (16-шаговый ) секвенсер для создания реалистичных гитарных партий.

Год: 2011
Версия: v1.0.2
Разработчик: Sugar Bytes
Разрядность: 32bit+64bit
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблэтка: Вылечено; ASSiGN
Системные требования: Windows XP and higher, 2Ghz CPU, 1 GB Ram
Размер: 546 Мб

Новинка позволяет определять направление движения медиатора (вверх/вниз), стиль (normal, dead, damped) и скорость игры, а также использовать такие гитарные фишки как слайды, бенды, вибрато и глушение струн.
Есть библиотека готовых типов аккордов, возможно создание собственных. Функция Animation позволяет имитировать движение пальцев при исполнении аккордов. До 24 паттернов могут составлять песню. Также возможно управление в реальном времени.
Из прочего стоит отметить, два гитарных усилителя на выбор и 10 гитарных эффектов, плюс в наборе присутствуют педали – классическая Wah-Wah, Talk Wah и Volume.

Официальное описание

We proudly present the complete electric guitar solution for Mac and PC. Absolutely convincing guitar riffs, combined with amps, wah pedals and effects. The actual guitar player has been transformed into a step sequencer system that allows control about playing styles, chord progressions and song structures. Guitarist can be played live as well, with just two fingers you can combine chords and patterns easily. You can choose from factory chords or just create your own chords on the fingerboard. The Action Section allows you to tweak the sequence in realtime and apply timestretch, looper or other crazy effects. Guitar players, keyboarders, producers, Guitarist is the new solution when guitar tracks are needed.

Guitarist Features

• Pattern Sequencer
On 16 steps you can determine if a chord is triggered, which strings are played and if the strum goes up- or downward. The playing style (normal, dead, damped) can be determined and the strum speed can be made slower or a double strum can be triggered. Slides,bends, vibratos and portamentos can be made and strings can be stopped at any time.

• Chord Sequencer
On 16 steps you can create chord-progresions from the factory chords or selfmade userchords.
Each step of the chord sequencer can be repeated up to 16 times. That way you can create long lasting compositions and change chords also earlier or later.

• Animation
A really cool feature is the animation sequencer. Each finger can be moved up or downward by 3 seminotes. You can use it for little melodies and alternating chords and it brings immediate beauty and life to your riff.

• Song
On 16 steps you can combine the 24 available patterns to create songs or complex riffs.
Each step of the pattern sequencer can be repeated for up to 16 times, that allows long pattern progressions and pattern changes also at uneven times.
• Action Section
Here you get some realtime action to tweak the pattern with just pressing a button! Quickly apply a Looper, Timestretcher, slow the sequencer down or force dead- or damped notes!

• Amp
Two wonderful sounding amp models are available as well as a direct out mode for your favorite amp-emulator-software.

• Effects
Two effect-units with 10 effect altogether provide the colors you are looking for. Additionally there is a multimode Wah Pedal that provides a classical wah, talk wah and volume pedal/tremolo mode.

• Guitar
Each finger on the fretboard shows its notename which makes it easy to identify, alternate and create chords. 24 chords can be saved on the "Chord Board" to be called with the Sequencer or with your keyboard.

• Keyboard
Here the sequencer is triggered and the 24 Userchords and Patterns are called for playback and editing.

Что нового в v1.0.2 Update
1.0.2 Update

• All known bugs fixed
• Improved finger and keyboard handling


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